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Cardiac Peak

Social Network
for Fitness

No Politics or B.S.

Connect. Share. Compete.

− Social Network for Fitness −

Cardiac Peak Screenshot

    meet like-minded in sport & city
    private groups w/ friends

    learn, teach, motivate, inspire
    pics, events & training videos
    calendars & training w/ friends

    gamified fitness & motivation
    challenge friends in steps, miles, etc
    leaderboards & friendly wagers

Guaranteed... No Politics or B.S.


Connect & Share

Connect with Friends

Connect with Friends who share the same Fitness Passions. Share Privately or for All to see...

Meet like-minded in your Sport:

Meet others training for a 5k
Find a new tennis partner
See what Sports your friends play
Virtual Races against friends
Find like-minded in your city

Private Groups with Friends:

Share Calendars
Private Leaderboards
Private Posts / DM
Friendly Wagers
Push each other every day

~~~ and much, much more....... 100% Free!

No Politics or B.S.

Instagram for Fitness

Learn, Teach & Motivate

Instagram-like Social Motivation for a 360° fitness experience. Connect & Share with current and new friends. We are the Social Network for Fitness.

Connect. Share. Motivate.
No political or BS... just Fun, Motivating fitness connections with people like you. Share your last 5k, favorite trail, workout/diet tips, your fitness inspiration & conquests... Running, Cycling, CrossFit, oh my!

Become a Fitness Influencer
Share tips & advice, teach what you've learned, post training videos, promote motivation & fitness events. Meet and Influence like-minded fitness enthusiasts - and Build your Brand!.

Connect. Share. Compete.

Cardiac Peak Screenshot

Single's Club

opt-out is default
unless a Club Member - you will never see date requests or be shown to others

We are NOT a dating site, but what better way to meet "The One" than based on similar Fitness & Outdoor Passions.

Quit those Dating Sites

Cut the B.S. - Stop dating losers that don't have YOUR same interests.

We Connect on Fitness Profiles

We connect you with "The One" you desire based on fitness & sport profiles: top sports, frequency, intensity, passion, dedication and skill. We provide verified results based on AI fitness tracker analytics.

AI - Fitness Tracker Analytics

Can Artificial Intelligence find you "The One"?
~~ Truthfully - it can't be worse!

Find Your Connection

Compete to Win

Gamified Fitness
Challenge yourself, your friends and all members for extra motivation that will Challenge Your Possible! Join any of our FREE Heart Rate Zone Challenges that target your goals & fitness level.


Lose 12 lbs in 8 weeks
Run / Walk Intervals
Couch to 5k
20 min Body Toner
10,000 Steps

More Advanced

Build Endurance (3 levels)
Raise Lactate Threshold
VO2 & Oxygen Efficiency
Speed & Power
Virtual Races & Private Groups

We've Gamified Fitness. Leaderboards for every challenge. How do you stack up?
or, or, or, wow... you can create
... a Private Challenge with just your friends

our tech partners
Garmin & fitbit

Gamified Fitness


Coaches & Trainers

Build your Brand
Build a detailed Profile Page with services you offer and links to your professional website. Be discovered by new clients by Sport and City. Ideal for any Fitness Influencer.

Links to your Training
Post training videos with links to your YouTube or Intsa page. Showcase what you offer.

Custom Training
We can customize HR Zone Training programs for you and your clients. Running, Cycling or Swimming.

Are you a Fitness Influencer?

Connect. Share. Compete.

Google Play

Join for FREE today!

Also... Free Training by Experts

Take any of our free 8-week training to
Improve Your Fitness, Performance & Health!

Testimony from our Members

~ "I love this challenge so much!"
~ "I am feeling a lot better about myself"
~ "I'm feeling healthier and more able to keep up with my energetic children"
~ "Doing things i haven't done in a decade"
~ "I'm so grateful i saw this app on Facebook"


Fitness For Life

Cardiovascular Fitness Training for all levels. Our HR Zone Training programs target your specific goals and fitness level. Fitness is the key to living a long and active life.

  • Build Aerobic Endurance
  • Strengthen Muscle, Tendons, Blood Flow
  • Improve Cardiovascular & Respitory Systems
  • Form Long-lasting Fitness Habits


Reach Your Cardiac Peak

Our challenges focus to improve heartbeat efficiency (delivering oxygen to muscles), heart responsiveness (how fast your HR recovers after exercise & its beat variability / HRV), resting heart rate and more.

  • Increase Endurance
  • Raise Your Lactate Threshold
  • Improve Speed, Power & Efficiency
  • Shatter Your Racing Personal Record


Lower Your Blood Pressure

Proper Exercise & Diet are necessary to take control of your blood pressure & low-density lipoproteins (LDL). Cardiac Peak tracks adherence & motivates you - your personal everyday health coach. Win cash for tracking.

  • Lose Weight
  • Lower Your Blood Pressure
  • Lower Your Bad Cholesterol (LDL)
  • Reduce Risk of Cardiovascular Disease


Get in swimsuit shape

Lose weight, tone muscles, get 6-pack abs... Challenges & Training specially designed for burning fat and weight loss. From couch potato to 30 min run or high-intensity interval training for the competitive athlete, we have a challenge to push your limits and get you in sick shape.

  • Lose 12+ lbs in 8 weeks
  • Get your 6-pack Abs
  • Make Your EX Jealous

Google Play

Join for FREE... and Challenge Your Possible!

Join on Android - Always Free

Don't have an Android...iPhone coming soon...

Get notified - Special pre-release iPhone challenge

Challenge Your Possible

Instagram-like Training & Challenge App
Join Today - Always FREE